Your Story
Your Story carries value. It speaks to who you are and what you stand for. To compete in the Attention Economy, you need to tell your story, tell it often, and make sure the right people are seeing it.
That’s where we come in.
The Process
We do not believe in a one-size-fits-all approach. Each client has their own unique goals and challenges. We build each package from the ground up to drive specific results.
All of our new projects begin with a discovery call where we get to know each other a little bit, talk about the problems you are looking to solve, and start developing a plan to solve them. Our goal in this phase is to find out what a successful project looks like.
- Disscussing where your business currently is, how you got there, and where you want to go.
- Identify the problem, it’s not always your first instinct!
- Develop a solution by zeroing in on which stories we need to tell to move the needle.
The plan begins to take shape. We utilize the two-punch combo of video and social to craft campaigns that make an impact. This stage will have us developing a content plan and rollout strategy that puts your story on display in the best light, in front of the right eyes.
We identify the type of content to create, and who needs to see it.
Research Research Research. Data is top priority in this stage.
What does success look like? How will we measure success? Answering this question gives us the tools to pivot as needed to hit your goals.
Time to make stuff. This phase will see us working together to create high quality, moving content. Selecting the right gear, hiring enthusiastic crew, meticulously planning logistics, formulating the creative vision, and executing it. This is where the magic happens.
Generally, we run with a smaller crew to keep costs, logisitics, and footprint down. This allows us to keep focus on the creativity.
Always looking for opportunities to re-purpose content and add value on set.
Story Focused. We shoot to tell the best narrative. Not just to get the “coolest” shots.
Putting it all together. We understand your problems, how to solve them, and production is wrapped. Now it’s time to send the content where it needs to go, monitor the metrics, and deliver your results.
Success is not purely “engagement”. Are we making an impact? Reaching the community we wan to speak to? What action are they taking?
Pivoting is key. Once we pinpoint a winning piece of content, double down on more of it.
Telling your story, repeatedly. People need to see your story, and see it often, across platforms, to drive results. Let’s make that happen.
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